910CPR has an easy-to-understand and even simpler-to-implement plan to improve survivability of victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in our community. It is our way of supporting the The Amercian Heart Association's vision of "A World Where No One Dies From Cardiac Arrest".
"Every year, 475,000 people die from cardiac arrest in the United States. Big number. BIGGER OPPORTUNITY. With your help, we can bring that number down to ZERO. Join us today, starting with this video."
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and survival rates are dismal, approximately 6.4%. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) can restart the heart and provide life-saving audible cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instructions to aid victims. For patients with ventricular fibrillation, rapid defibrillation with CPR can improve chances of survival to more than 50%.
Our plan to support the Vision:
1. Identify that YOU NEED an AED ... for your staff and the public
OSHA may not be law, but it will be the standard you'll be held to in court. Protect your employees... reduce your liability.
[OSHA's interpretation of 29 CFR 1910.151(b). Some job sites require the employer to have training and equipment if EMS is not available within 3-4 minutes]
"In public settings, AEDs are used by bystanders a miniscule 2.1% to 3.7% of the time."
2. NC's "Good Samaritan" laws protect everyone involved with use of AED in an emergency ... except the OWNER of the AED.
[See NC G.S., § 90-21.14(a)(2)... The 'owner' is absent the list of protected entities.]
We reduce your exposure by maintaining ownership of the units housed at your facility.
3. AED Monitoring.
We maintain meticulous records and a strict maintenance routine to insure the units you host are Rescue Ready! No maintenance required of your staff. We also make sure the local 911 disptch center knows where your AED is located. When someone calls with a cadiac emergency, the call-handler can direct the caller to the units.
4. Training.
Discounted training... at your facility... for any staff, volunteers, interested visitors, ... anyone interested in further increasing the chance of survivial for victims of sudden cardiac arrest in your locations.
To get started, click below.